Formed in the fall of 2017, New Westminster Progressive Electors Coalition (NWP) is a citizen-based not-for-profit society committed to representing the interests of all New Westminster residents.
In late 2021 the NWP formally applied with Elections BC and was approved as an elector organization.
We actively encourage all residents of New Westminster to volunteer, contribute, become a member or apply to become a candidate with the NWP – regardless of their provincial or federal political affiliations. NWP candidates are not required to be a member of any provincial or federal political party to run with our elector organization.
Progress for New West means our NWP team:
Supports provincial legislation which bans financial and in-kind union or corporate donations
Will be a diverse non-partisan team of candidates from across the city who are committed to developing positive and progressive ideas and policies.
Encourages a community wide conversation regarding putting the needs of local residents ahead of special interest groups.
Commits to ensuring a variety of opinions and viewpoints are always welcomed at city hall and the school board.

A campaign is only as good as its volunteers!
As a grassroots organization, we don’t have the same resources and the type of “machine” working for our elected officials as our opponents do. That’s why we would really appreciate if you could sign up to become a volunteer today.
You don’t need any previous experience in a campaign to help out and every hour you contribute will help us inch closer to victory on election night in 2026. We have a great team of community leaders involved with our coalition and we’d really like to have you on board. If you are interested, please contact fill out the form below: